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See also: For Better or For Worse#Lawrence comes out. In 1993, Lawrence Poirier's coming out generated controversy, with readers opposed to homosexuality threatening to cancel newspaper subscriptions. Set in a German boys boarding school, the story relates how, after Thomas' suicide, an upper classman, Yuri, finds a love letter Thomas wrote to him, and then meets a new student, Eric, who looks just like Thomas. Īndy Lippincott was the first openly gay character to appear in a mainstream comic strip.

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They eventually adopted a little girl rabbit named Suddan. He lives with his life partner Lille Sixten on a stump in the forest. Northstar was the first openly gay superhero in the Marvel Comics universe. See also: LGBT themes in comics and List of webcomics with LGBT characters Year(s)įirst appearance: Uncanny X-Men #120 (1979).

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